Home > E. Pathology by systems > Digestive system > Liver > massive hepatic necrosis

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massive hepatic necrosis

Regenerative nodules after massive hepatic necrosis Regenerative nodules after massive hepatic necrosis Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Massive hepatic necrosis Massive hepatic necrosis Massive hepatic necrosis Massive hepatic necrosis in adenoviral hepatitis Post-massive necrosis liver (etiology unknown) Post-massive necrosis liver (etiology unknown) Post-massive necrosis liver (etiology unknown) Post-massive necrosis liver (etiology unknown) Post-massive necrosis liver (etiology unknown) Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis Biliary ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis

Massive and submassive hepatic necrosis are the histopathological counterpart of fulminant hepatic failure.


- infections

- intoxications (drugs and toxins) (20%)

- severe hepatic ischemia
- hepatic metabolic diseases

- congenital hemochromatosis
- acute auto-immune hepatitis
