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Pfeiffer syndrome


acrocephalosyndactyly, Noack syndrome, craniofacial-skeletal- dermatologic dysplasia


Autosomal dominant disease


-  craniofacial anomalies

-  chondromalacia

-  craniosynostoses

-  limbs anomalies

-  cerebral anomalies


-  Type 1: 'mild' autosomal dominant
-  Type 2: cloverleaf skull, elbow ankylosis, early demise, sporadic
-  Type 3: craniosynostosis, early demise, sporadic (Cohen, 1993).


-  Locus 8p11.2-p11.1: germline mutations in the gene FGFR1 coding for fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (MIM.136350)

-  Locus 10q26: germline mutations in the gene FGFR2 coding for fibroblast growth factor receptor-2 (MIM.176943)

See also:

-  craniosynostosis
-  FGFRs

Premature fusion of sagittal scranial suture in Pfeiffer syndrome

Pfeiffer syndrome

Pfeiffer syndrome

Pfeiffer syndrome

Pfeiffer syndrome

Polysyndactyly in Pfeiffer syndrome

Broad thumb in adduction in Pfeiffer syndrome

Broad thumb in adduction in Pfeiffer syndrome

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