nonsyndromal bilateral cystic renal dysplasia
- sporadic nonsyndromal cystic renal dysplasia
- familial nonsyndromal cystic renal dysplasia
- isolated renal Meckel syndrome
- partial trisomy resulting from parental unbalanced translocation
syndromal bilateral cystic renal dysplasia (malformative syndromes - multisystem maldevelopment)
BNOMRD and polydactyly
BNOMRD and heterotaxia (#12605452#)
NOBMRD and asplenia or hyposplenia
ventricular septal defects
aortic coarctation
intestinal atresia
controlateral congenital ureteral stenosis and hydronephrosis in unilateral case
situs anomalies (heterotaxia)
Differential diagnosis
oligocystic kidneys
polycystic kidney diseases (PKDs)
See also
reno-hepato-pancreatic dysplastic syndromes
Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia (NOBMRD) (Association with dextrocardia)
Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia (NOBMRD) (Association with dextrocardia)
Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia with dextrocardia
Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia with dextrocardia
Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia with dextrocardia
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