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bilateral non-obstructive renal dysplasia

BNOMRD, bilateral non-obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia



-  nonsyndromal bilateral cystic renal dysplasia

-  syndromal bilateral cystic renal dysplasia (malformative syndromes - multisystem maldevelopment)


-  BNOMRD and polydactyly

-  BNOMRD and heterotaxia (#12605452#)

-  NOBMRD and asplenia or hyposplenia


-  ventricular septal defects
-  aortic coarctation
-  intestinal atresia
-  myelomeningocele
-  controlateral congenital ureteral stenosis and hydronephrosis in unilateral case
-  situs anomalies (heterotaxia)

Differential diagnosis

-  oligocystic kidneys
-  polycystic kidney diseases (PKDs)

See also

-  reno-hepato-pancreatic dysplastic syndromes

Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia (NOBMRD) (Association with dextrocardia)

Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia (NOBMRD) (Association with dextrocardia)

Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia with dextrocardia

Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia with dextrocardia

Non-obstructive bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia with dextrocardia

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