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Most tissue macrophages and osteoclasts are regulated by colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1, also known as macrophage-CSF).

The effects of CSF-1 are mediated by the CSF-1 receptor tyrosine kinase (CSF-1R), through autophosphorylation of CSF-1R and the subsequent phosphorylation of downstream molecules.

Triggering this phosphorylation cascade increases gene transcription and protein translation, and induces cytoskeletal remodeling by several signaling pathways, leading to the survival, proliferation and differentiation of target cells.

See also

-  immune development
-  immune functions
-  macrophage survival
-  macrophage proliferation
-  macrophage chemotaxis


-  Pixley FJ, Stanley ER. CSF-1 regulation of the wandering macrophage: complexity in action. Trends Cell Biol. 2004 Nov;14(11):628-38. PMID: #15519852#

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