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trisomy 21

Down syndrome


Incidence, 1 in 650-1000 live births


-  trisomy 21


-  systemic anomalies

-  head and neck anomalies

-  cardiovascular anomalies (50%)

-  digestive anomalies

-  hepatic anomalies

-  renal anomalies

-  rachis anomalies

-  limbs anomalies

-  neurological anomalies

-  endocrine anomalies

-  hematological anomalies

-  autoimmunity


-  Patterson D, Costa AC. Down syndrome and genetics - a case of linked histories. Nat Rev Genet. 2005 Feb;6(2):137-47. PMID: #15640809#

-  Hitzler JK, Zipursky A. Origins of leukaemia in children with Down syndrome. Nat Rev Cancer. 2005 Jan;5(1):11-20. PMID: #15630411#

-  Antonarakis SE, Lyle R, Dermitzakis ET, Reymond A, Deutsch S. Chromosome 21 and down syndrome: from genomics to pathophysiology. Nat Rev Genet. 2004 Oct;5(10):725-38. PMID: #15510164#

-  Hernandez D, Fisher EM. Down syndrome genetics: unravelling a multifactorial disorder. Hum Mol Genet. 1996;5 Spec No:1411-6. PMID: #8875245#

Single transverse palmar crease

Transverse palmar crease in trisomy 21

Persistent renal lobulation at 8 months in trisomy 21

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