non-syndromic postaxial polydactyly (isolated postaxial polydactyly)
- Locus PAPA1 at 7p13 (MIM.174200)
- Locus PAPA2 at 13q21-q32 (MIM.602085)
- Locus PAPA3 at 19p13.2-p13.1 (MIM.607324)
- Locus PAPA4 at 7q22 (MIM.608562)
syndromic postaxial polydactyly
- Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
- infantile thoracic dystrophy (Jeune syndrome)
- Saldino-Noonan type of short rib-polydactyly syndrome
Meckel syndrome (Meckel-Gruber syndrome)
- Bardet-Biel syndrome
- trisomy 13
- polydactyly-hydrometrocolpos syndrome
- Weyer acrofacial syndrome
- Opitz C syndrome
- Sugarman syndrome
- Biechoud syndrome
- Oliver syndrome
cleft palate and postaxial polydactyly
- otopalatodigital syndrome type 2 (OPD2)
See also
Post-axial polydactyly - Holoprosencephaly with cyclopia is associated. Probable trisomy 13.
Post-axial polydactyly - Holoprosencephaly with cyclopia is associated. Probable trisomy 13.
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