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small intestine

Adj. intestinal


Anatomical parts:

-  duodenum
-  jejunum
-  ileum


-  intestinal mucosa
-  intestinal muscularis mucosae
-  intestinal submucosa
-  intestinal muscularis
-  intestinal subserosa
-  intestinal serosa
-  intestinal vessels

Specific cells:

-  enterocytes
-  Paneth cells
-  goblet cells

Unspecific cells:

-  smooth muscle cells
-  fibroblasts
-  vascular cells
-  endothelial cells
-  inflammatory cells

-  nervous cells


-  intestinal malformations
-  intestinal lesions
-  intestinal diseases
-  intestinal tumors


-  Thomson AB, Keelan M, Thiesen A, Clandinin MT, Ropeleski M, Wild GE. Small bowel review: normal physiology part 2. Dig Dis Sci. 2001 Dec;46(12):2588-607. PMID: #11768248#

-  Goldman H, Antonioli DA. Mucosal biopsy of the rectum, colon, and distal ileum. Hum Pathol. 1982 Nov;13(11):981-1012. PMID: #6759364#

Intestinal villi

Small intestine (immunolabeling of smooth muscle actin)

Normal intestinal mucosa

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