anatomical or functional obstruction of congenital lower urinary tract
- unilateral obstruction
- unilateral obstruction of pelviureteral junction
- ureteral implantation anomaly
- ureteral atresia
- bilateral obstruction +/- with Prune-Belly sequence
Renal dysplasia lesions
- cysts formation
- primary ductules
- immature dysplastic tubulules surrounded by condensed mesenchyme
basement membrane may be thick and eosinophilic
- immature glomeruli
- immature tubules
- metaplastic cartilage foci (islands of immature cartilage)
association with hydronephrosis and/or hydronephrosis
dilated and tortuous ureters
Obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia - Ureteral duplication with two blind ureteres and vesical agenesis. Severe caudal regression syndrome with sirenomelia. 19 weeks.
Obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia - Ureteral duplication with two blind ureteres and vesical agenesis. Severe caudal regression syndrome with sirenomelia. 19 weeks.
Obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (18 weeks) - Anorectal atresia with rectovesical fistula and meconial obstruction
Obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (19 weeks) - Severe caudal regression syndrome with vesical agenesis and urethral atresia
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