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Thymoma is the most frequent tumor arising in human thymus.


-  thymic epithelial tumors

-  type A thymoma (spindly thymoma)
-  type AB thymoma (mixed thymoma)
-  type B thymoma (lymphocyte-rich thymoma)

-  ectopic hamartomatous thymoma


-  chromosome 6 anomalies

-  chromosomes 12 and 16 anomalies

Allelotyping (Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) loci)

Tumorigenetic pathways

-  APC-associated pathway: 5q21 - 3p22-24.2 - 13q14 - 17p13.1 regions.
-  type A thymomas: 6q23.3-25.5 only

Microsatellite instability (MSI)

-  microsatellite instability (MSI): 2.4%-12.5% (#12368223#) .

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