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anorectal malformations

anorectal anomalies



High anorectal malformations

-  anorectal agenesis

-  rectal atresia (high atresia)

Intermediate anorectal malformations

-  rectal atresia (intermediate)

Low anorectal malformations

-  anal agenesis without fistula
-  anal agenesis with fistula

-  anal stenosis
-  membranous atresia (covered anus)
-  anal agenesis

Cloacal malformations

-  persistent cloaca

See also

-  digestive malformations

Anorectal atresia: imperforate anus and rectovesical fistula (22 weeks) - A renal malformation is associated (obstructive solitary kidney with megauretere)

Anal imperforation - Association of anal imperforation with rectourethral fistula, hypospadias and radial agenesis.

Rectourethral fistula - Association of anal imperforation with rectourethral fistula, hypospadias and radial agenesis.

Association of anal imperforation with rectourethral fistula - Association of anal imperforation with rectourethral fistula, hypospadias and radial agenesis.

Association of anal imperforation with rectourethral fistula - Association of anal imperforation with rectourethral fistula, hypospadias and radial agenesis. (with legends)

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