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Spina bifida

rachischisis, spinal dysraphism


Spina bifida (SB) is a neural tube defect (NTD) caused by the failure of the fetus's spine to close properly during the first month of pregnancy.

The most common types of SB are:

-  spina bifida aperta
-  myelomeningocele (the spinal cord and the meninges protrude from an opening in the spine)
-  meningocele (the spinal cord develops normally but the meninges protrude from a spinal opening)
-  spina bifida occulta (one or more vertebrae are malformed and covered by a layer of skin)
-  spina bifida cystica


-  cervical spina bifida
-  thoracic spina bifida
-  lombar spina bifida
-  sacral spina bifida


-  variation in genes that are involved in the folate-homocysteine metabolic pathway

-  Loci

-  X-linked spina bifida (MIM.300293)


-  encephalocele (#9182784#)
-  anencephaly (anencephaly-spina bifida association)

-  sacral agenesis
-  neural crest anomalies (8.5%) (#10508971#)

-  association split hand-onbstructive uropathy- spina bifida and diaphragmatic defects (MIM.183802) (#3308683#)

-  abdominal wall defects

-  hypospadias (#7977461#)
-  multiple pilomatricomas (#15804314#)

See also

-  spinal malformations
-  neural tube defects
-  myelomeningocele

Spina bifida

Thoracolombar spina bifida (21 weeks)

Thoracolombar spina bifida (21 weeks)

Spina bifida (21 weeks)

Spina bifida (20 weeks)

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