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diabetes mellitus




-  type 1 diabetes
-  type 2 diabetes (MIM.125853)

-  autosomal dominant diabetes

-  pancreatic destruction


-  diabetic vasculopathy (diabetic vascular lesions)
-  diabetic nephropathy
-  diabetic retinopathy
-  diabetic embryopathy

See also

-  Diabetes


-  Camp HS, Ren D, Leff T. Adipogenesis and fat-cell function in obesity and diabetes. Trends Mol Med. 2002 Sep;8(9):442-7. PMID: #12223316#

-  Langin D. Diabetes, insulin secretion, and the pancreatic beta-cell mitochondrion. N Engl J Med. 2001 Dec 13;345(24):1772-4. PMID: #11742055#

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