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ductular reaction

neoductular proliferation, portal ductal proliferation, ductular proliferation


Definition: Increase in the number and prominence of small biliary channels in and around the portal tracts.


-  tubular to elongated profiles
-  lined by cuboidal or columnar epithelium
-  well-defined lumen or not


-  acute or chronic cholestasis
-  sepsis
-  massive hepatic necrosis
-  hepatic fibrosis
-  hepatic cirrhosis
-  miscellaneous

Elementary lesions associated:

-  bile plugs
-  ductular dilatation
-  neutrophilic infiltration

Differential diagnosis:

-  must be distinguished from interlobular bile ducts

Ductular proliferation in biliary Langerhans histiocytosis

Ductular proliferation in biliary Langerhans histiocytosis

Ductular proliferation in biliary Langerhans histiocytosis

Ductular proliferation in Ellis-van Creveld disease

Ductular proliferation after massive heaptic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hapatitis

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hapatitis

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hapatitis

Ductular proliferation in nephronophthisis-associated hepatic disease

Ductular proliferation in nephronophthisis-associated hepatic disease

Ductular proliferation in nephronophthisis-associated hepatic disease

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hepatitis

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hepatitis

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hepatitis

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hepatitis

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hepatitis

Ductular proliferation after massive hepatic necrosis - Fulminant auto-immune hepatitis

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