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Gardner syndrome



-  digestive tumors predisposition

-  minor dental abnormalities
-  caniofacial osteomas

-  pigmented retinal macules
-  adrenal adenoma (#12694100#, #11196455#)
-  craniopharyngioma (#12182421#)

-  benign cutaneous tumors

-  soft tissue tumors

-  dental abnormality (APC-1556 mutations) (#15095859#)
-  cutaneous T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma (#11146353#)
-  Hodgkin disease (#11146353#)
-  hepatocellular carcinoma (#9628444#)

-  recurrent pancreatitis (#10088575#)


-  germline APC gene mutations


-  Wehrli BM, Weiss SW, Coffin CM. Gardner syndrome. Am J Surg Pathol. 2001 May;25(5):694-6. PMID: #11342787#

Desmoid fibromatosis
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