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Adj. pulmonary



-  bronchial tree

-  pulmonary vessels

-  pulmonary lobules


-  pulmonary malformations
-  pulmonary lesions
-  pulmonary lesional syndromes
-  pulmonary diseases
-  pulmonary tumors

See also

-  pulmonary development
-  fetal lung

-  Overview of Pulmonary Pathology at UCSF
-  Practical Pathology of Chest Disease-Case Studies at UCSF

Pulmonary alveoli

Pulmonary alveoli

Pulmonary alveoli

Pulmonary alveoli

Pulmonary alveoli

Pulmonary alveoli

Normal pulmonary lobe

Normal pulmonary parenchyma

Normal pulmonary parenchyma
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