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Lafora body-like inclusions

Lafora-like bodies, Lafora body like inclusions


Etiology - Associations

-  cyanamide treatment
-  progressive myoclonic ataxia associated with coeliac disease (#11598336#)
-  adult-onset rapidly progressive spinal muscular atrophy of shoulder girdle with gammopathy (#6627777#)

See also

-  ground glass inclusions


-  Ng IO, Sturgess RP, Williams R, Portmann B. Ground-glass hepatocytes with Lafora body like inclusions--histochemical, immunohistochemical and electronmicroscopic characterization. Histopathology. 1990 Aug;17(2):109-15. PMID: #2172143#

-  Tuzun E, Gurses C, Baykan B, Buyukbabani N, Ozturk AS, Gokyigit A. Lafora body-like inclusions in a case of progressive myoclonic ataxia associated with coeliac disease. Eur Neurol. 2001;46(3):157-8. PMID: #11598336#

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