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protein interactions maps


Symbol definitions and map conventions - Color conventions used are as follows: black for binding interaction; blue for protein modifications; green for enzymatic or other stimulatory processes; red for inhibitions or other negative effects; purple for both transcriptional activation and repression. However, the color conventions are not required to establish the meaning of symbols. (a) The double-arrowed line indicates that proteins A and B can bind to each other. The 'node' placed on the line represents the A : B complex. (b) Representation of multimolecular complexes: x is A : B and y is (A : B) : C. This notation is extensible to any number of components in a complex. (c) Covalent modification of protein A. The single-arrowed line indicates that A can exist in a phosphorylated state. The node represents the phosphorylated species. (d) Stoichiometric conversion of A into B. (e) Degradation of protein A (i.e. conversion of A to its degradation product Ø). (f) Enzymatic stimulation of a reaction. (g) General symbol for stimulation. A bar behind the arrowhead signifies necessity. (h) General symbol for inhibition. (i) Shorthand symbol for transcriptional activation. (j) Shorthand symbol for transcriptional inhibition. From Oncogene
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