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granuloma annulare


Definition: Granuloma annulare (GA) is a benign inflammatory, self-limiting granulomatous dermatoses that is seen in both adults and children . Females are more commonly affected than males. The lesions may involve skin and/or subcutaneous tissue. The etiology of GA is unknown.


-  palisading granuloma located in the superficial and mid dermis.

-  small amounts of fibrin may be present as fibrillary eosinophilic material.
-  perivascular lymphocytes (perivascular lymphocytic infiltratein superficial and mid dermis)
-  +/- neutrophils and nuclear dusts
-  +/- vasculitis near foci of necrobiosis

Evolutive forms

-  early interstitial GA or incomplete GA lesions

-  fully evolved GA lesions and deep subcutaneous GA nodules

-  subcutaneous GA and dermal infiltrates

-  perforating GA

-  nonnecrobiotic GA, sarcoidal GA, or tuberculoid GA

-  Mucin in GA is hyaluronic acid and is visible in sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin as faintly basophilic stringy material.


-  classical granuloma annulare
-  interstitial granuloma annulare
-  deep granuloma annulare
-  perforating granuloma annulare

Differential diagnosis:

-  palisading granulomas

-  palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis

-  foreign body granulomatous dermatitis
-  infection
-  sarcoidosis
-  soft tissue tumors and fusiform cell sarcomas

See also

-  palisading granuloma

Granuloma annulare

Granuloma annulare

Granuloma annulare

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