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oxidation of glucose


Glycolysis enad energy production

Most of the energy derived from the oxidation of glucose is not extracted directly as ATP, but as reduced NADH that transfers high-energy electrons to the electron transport chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

This NADH comes primarily from the Krebs cycle in the mitochondrial matrix and is therefore directly accessible to electron transport.

NADH generated during glycolysis cannot reach the electron transport chain directly however and there is no direct mechanism for the transfer of NADH across the mitochondrial membrane.

Pathology (Anomalies of glycolysis)

Glycolysis pathway - From Biocarta

Metabolic pathways to glycolysis - From Biocarta

Glycolysis pathway activation by glucose - ChREBP regulation by carbohydrates and cAMP (From Biocasrta)

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