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See also

-  clinical genetics
-  molecular genetics


-  Gayon J, Burian RM. National traditions and the emergence of genetics: the French example. Nat Rev Genet. 2004 Feb;5(2):150-6. PMID: #14735125#

-  McKusick VA. Human genetics: the last 35 years, the present, and the future. Am J Hum Genet. 1992 Apr;50(4):663-70. PMID: #1550113#

-  McKusick VA. The growth and development of human genetics as a clinical discipline. Am J Hum Genet. 1975 May;27(3):261-73. PMID: #803163#

-  Glossary Of Genetic Terms by Birgid Schlindwein
-  NHGRI Glossary of Genetic Terms (National Human Genome Research Institute)

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