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Meckel diverticula



-  carcinoid tumor in Meckel diverticula (#3056140#)

See also

-  digestive malformations

Meckel diverticula

Meckel diverticula

Meckel diverticula (Fetus 19 weeks)

Meckel diverticula with ileal perforation

Meckel diverticula with ileal perforation

Meckel diverticula with ileal perforation

Meckel diverticula with ileal perforation

Volvulus and necrosis of a Meckel diverticula

Volvulus and necrosis of a Meckel diverticula

Meckel diverticula

Gastric mucosal heterotopia in Meckel diverticula

Pancreatic heterotopia in Meckel diverticula

Meckel diverticula

Meckel diverticula

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