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Ewing sarcoma



-  epithelioid Ewing sarcoma
-  spindle cell Ewing sarcoma
-  atypical pleomorphic extraosseous Ewing sarcoma


-  skeletal Ewing sarcoma (osseous Ewing sarcoma)
-  extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma (extraosseous Ewing sarcoma)


-  CD99+
-  FLI1+

Cytogenetics and molecular biology

-  t(11;22)(q24;q12) (EWSR1/FLI1 fusion gene) (85%) (11q24 and 22q12)
-  t(21;22)(q22;q12) (EWSR1/ERG fusion gene) (21q22 and 22q12)
-  t(2;22)(q36; q12) (EWSR1/FEV fusion gene) (2q36 and 22q12)
-  t(17;22)(q21;q12) (EWSR1/ETV4 fusion gene) (17q21 and 22q12)
-  t(16;21)(p11;q22) (FUS/ERG fusion gene) (#1290763#) (16p11 and 22q12)


Gains 1q+ 8+ 12+

See also

-  Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (ES/PNET)or "Ewing family of tumors" (EFTs)

Ewing sarcoma - HPs x400

Ewing sarcoma - HPS x400

Ewing sarcoma - HPS x400

Ewing sarcoma: CD99 positivity

Ewing sarcoma: CD99 positivity

Ewing sarcoma: CD99 positivity

Ewing sarcoma (Macroscopy)

Ewing sarcoma of the fibula

Femoral Ewing sarcoma

Femoral Ewing sarcoma

Femoral Ewing sarcoma

Femoral Ewing sarcoma

Femoral Ewing sarcoma

Extra-skeletal Ewing sarcoma

Extra-skeletal Ewing sarcoma

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