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VATER association




VATER is an acronym for vertebral defects, anal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal atresia, and radial dysplasia. Cases are isolated (no familial agregation).

Nonrandom association of following anomalies: V (vertebral anomalies), A (anal atresia), C (cardiovascular anomalies), T (tracheoesophageal fistula), E (esophageal atresia), R (renal anomalies), L (preaxial limb anomalies). Diagnosis made if 3/7 defects are present


-  Seen more frequently in infants of diabetic mothers
-  Estimated frequency 1.6 cases/10,000 live births


-  failure to thrive
-  prenatal growth deficiency
-  postnatal growth deficiency

-  large fontanels

-  cardiovascular anomalies

-  airways anomalies

-  thoracic anomalies

-  digestive anomalies

-  fetal urogenital anomalies

-  fetal vertebral anomalies

-  fetal limb anomalies

-  fetal neurological anomalies

-  single umbilical artery


-  autosomal recessive VACTERL-hydrocephaly syndrome (David-O'Callaghan syndrome) (MIM.276950) (PTEN mutations)
-  X-linked recessive VACTERL-hydrocephaly syndrome (Hunter-MacMurray syndrome) (MIM.314390)


-  unknown
-  anomalies in the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway (SHH) (MIM.600725) ?
-  PTEN mutations in autosomal recessive VACTERL-hydrocephaly syndrome (VACTERL-H syndrome) (David-O'Callaghan syndrome) (MIM.276950)

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