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Fryns syndrome



Fryns syndrome (FS) is the commonest autosomal recessive syndrome associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and comprises CDH, pulmonary hypoplasia, craniofacial anomalies, distal limb hypoplasia, and internal malformations.

Majority are stillborn or die in early neonatal period. 14% of patients survive with polyhydramnios. Autosomal recessive inheritance.

Synopsis (MIM.229850)

-  Large for gestational age

-  craniofacial anomalies

-  cardiovascular anomalies

-  pulmonary anomalies

-  thoracic anomalies

-  congenital diaphragmatic hernia (often unilateral)

-  abdominal anomalies

-  male reproductive system

-  female reproductive system

-  renal anomalies

-  Hands

-  distal limb hypoplasia
-  broad clavicles

-  Skin

-  Central nervous system

-  polyhydramnios


-  mosaicism for a tandem duplication of 1q24-q31.2
-  anomalies of chromosome 15 (ring chromosome 15)
-  anomalies of chromosome 6 (terminal deletion of 6q)
-  anomalies of chromosome 22
-  aneuploidy


-  Slavotinek AM. Fryns syndrome: a review of the phenotype and diagnostic guidelines. Am J Med Genet. 2004 Feb 1;124A(4):427-33. PMID: #14735597#

-  Pierson DM, Subtil A, Taboada E, Butler MG. Newborn with anophthalmia and features of Fryns syndrome. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2002 Nov-Dec;5(6):592-6. PMID: #12375132#

Left diaphragmatic hernia in a probable Fryns syndrome (24 weeks) - (Cleft lip/palate, camptodactyly, low set ears, toes hypoplasia associated)

Left diaphragmatic hernia in a probable Fryns syndrome (24 weeks) - (Cleft lip/palate, camptodactyly, low set ears, toes hypoplasia associated)

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