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oligohydramnios sequence

Potter sequence



-  oligohydramnios facies (Potter facies)
-  bilateral pulmonary hypoplasia
-  arthrogryposis
-  limb deformations

-  limb edema and congestion (compression)
-  brain defcts (#8372035#)


-  oligohydramnios (lack of amniotic fluid)

Hand deformation in an oligohydramnios sequence

Feet club varus in an oligohydramnios sequence - Inward rotation of feet. Association with urethral atresia, megacystis and bilateral renal hydronphrosis

Feet club varus in an oligohydramnios sequence - Inward rotation of feet.

Oligohydramnios facies (23 weeks) - Premature membrane rupture.

Oligohydramnios facies (23 weeks) - Premature membrane rupture.

Congestion and edema of one upper limb by compression - Oligohydramnios with bilateral renal hypoplasia (22 weeks)

Congestion and edema of one upper limb by compression - Oligohydramnios with bilateral renal hypoplasia (22 weeks)

Oligohydramnios face (22 weeks) - Oligohydramnios with bilateral renal hypoplasia

Congestion and edema of one lower limb by compression - Oligohydramnios with bilateral renal hypoplasia (22 weeks)

Ankle hyperflexion in oligohydramnios

Ankle hyperflexion in oligohydramnios

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