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renal cysts


Morphological types

-  spherical renal cysts

-  elongated renal cysts

According to cyst types

-  renal glomerular cysts (glomerulocysts)
-  renal tubular cysts (tubulocysts)
-  renal simple cysts
-  renal peripheral cortical cysts
-  renal tumoral cysts (renal cystic tumors)

According to cysts localization

-  renal medullary cysts
-  renal cortical cysts
-  renal diffuse cysts

According to the number of cysts

-  unique renal cyst (unilocular renal cyst)
-  multiple renal cysts (oligocystic kidneys)
-  diffuse renal cysts (multicystic kidneys)


A. Renal cysts of embryonic origin

-  renal simple cysts

-  calyceal diverticula or pelvic diverticula
-  renal cystic diseases

-  renal cysts associated with malformative syndromes and genetic diseases

B. Renal cysts of nonembryonic origin

-  retention renal cysts

-  inflammatory renal cysts

-  parasitic renal cysts

Differential diagnosis

-  tumoral renal cysts (renal cystic tumors)

See also

-  fetal renal cysts (fetal multicystic kidneys)

Diffuse cystic renal dysplasia - Nonsyndromal form. Etiology unknown.

Obstructive cortical cysts.

Cystic nephroma

Bilateral multicystic kidneys - 22 weeks male fetus. No other malformation associated. Ureteres are not dilated. Etiology unknown.

Bilateral multicystic kidneys - 22 weeks male fetus. No other malformation associated. Ureteres are not dilated. Etiology unknown.

ARPKD at 34 weeks

Obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia - Severe caudal regression syndrome with vesical agenesis. Blind ureteres. 19 weeks.

Renal cysts - From the Renal Unit website of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Renal cysts in multicystic renal dysplasia

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