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Adj. renal


Organ components

-  cortex
-  medulla
-  renal lobules (renal pyramids)

-  perilobular zones (columns of Bertin)

Renal pathology

-  renal development
-  renal malformations
-  renal lesions
-  renal lesional syndromes
-  renal diseases
-  renal tumors

Pathology (Renal pathology)

-  architectural anomalies


-  Renal Pathology Tutorial by J. Charles Jennette, MD at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
-  Renal Pathology tutorial at University of Washington, Seattle
-  Renal tumors on wepathology.com (Urology)
-  Atlas of renal pathology from American Journal of Kidney Diseases

Fetal kidney

Fetal kidney 27 weeks

Kidney - Cytokeratin immunolabelling

Kidney - EMA immunolabelling - (Epithelial membrane antigen)

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