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glycogen storage disease type IV


glycogenosis type IV, GSD IV, glycogen branching enzyme deficiency, GBE1 deficiency, Andersen disease, Brancher deficiency, amylopectinosis, familial cirrhosis with deposition of abnormal glycogen, GSD4



-  digestive tract


-  glycogen storage disease type IV is caused by mutation in the glycogen branching enzyme (GBE1) (MIM.607839)


-  fatal perinatal GSD4
-  congenital neuromuscular GSD4
-  childhood neuromuscular GSD4
-  nonprogressive hepatic GSD4
-  classic hepatic GSD4
-  combined hepatic and muscular GSD4
-  adult polyglucosan body disease (APBD) (MIM.263570)


-  glycogen storage diseases


-  Bruno C, van Diggelen OP, Cassandrini D, Gimpelev M, Giuffre B, Donati MA, Introvini P, Alegria A, Assereto S, Morandi L, Mora M, Tonoli E, Mascelli S, Traverso M, Pasquini E, Bado M, Vilarinho L, van Noort G, Mosca F, DiMauro S, Zara F, Minetti C. Clinical and genetic heterogeneity of branching enzyme deficiency (glycogenosis type IV). Neurology. 2004 Sep 28;63(6):1053-8. PMID: #15452297#

GSD IV. Cirrhosis. - Masson Trichrome

GSD IV. Cytoplasic inclusions in hepatocytes - Masson Trichrome

GSD IV. Cytoplasmic inclusions. - Cytoplasmic inclusions in hepatocytes.

GSD IV. Macrophages - Macrophages in the interstitial tissue.

GSD IV. Macrophages - Amylopectin in macrophage cytoplasms. Masson trichrome.

GSD IV. PAS. - PAS inclusion in hepatocyte cytoplasms. PAS material in macrophage cytoplasms.

GSD IV. PAS inclusions. - PAs inclusions in hepatocyte cytoplasms.

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