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Liver X receptors


Liver X receptors (LXRs) are nuclear receptors that act as metabolic sensors for cellular cholesterol (Xol) and oxysterol content.

Increased oxysterol levels activate LXRs, which then induce: the removal of cholesterol out of peripheral cells; transport of this cholesterol to the liver; excretion of cholesterol through production of bile acids; and inhibition of intestinal cholesterol absorption.

LXRs are not only master regulators of cholesterol homeostasis, but also decrease the development of atherosclerosis.


-  Francis GA, Annicotte JS, Auwerx J. Liver X receptors: Xcreting Xol to combat atherosclerosis. Trends Mol Med. 2002 Oct;8(10):455-8. PMID: #12383763#

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