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aneurysmal bone cyst


Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a locally aggressive osseous lesion that typically occurs during the first two decades of life.


-  17p13 rearrangements (USP6)

Molecular biology

-  variant translocations upregulate USP6 transcription by promoter swapping with the genes ZNF9, COL1A1, TRAP150 and OMD (#15735689#)

-  fusion gene in which the osteoblast cadherin 11 gene (CDH11) promoter region on 16q22 is juxtaposed to the entire ubiquitin-specific protease USP6 (Tre2) coding sequence on 17p13 (#15026324#, #15509545#)


-  chondroblastoma (#15704086#)

Differential diagnosis

-  osseous giant cell tumor
-  giant cell reparative granuloma (giant cell reaction)
-  simple bone cyst
-  telangiectatic osteosarcoma

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