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adenoviral hepatitis

adenovirus hepatitis



-  necrotizing adenovirus hepatitiswith acute liver failure in immunodeficiency (#15257556#)


-  Longerich T, Haferkamp K, Tox U, Schirmacher P. Acute liver failure in a renal transplant patient caused by adenoviral hepatitis superimposed on a fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis B. Hum Pathol. 2004 Jul;35(7):894-7. PMID: #15257556#

-  Bertheau P, Parquet N, Ferchal F, Gluckman E, Brocheriou C. Fulminant adenovirus hepatitis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1996 Feb;17(2):295-8. PMID: #8640184#

Hepatic necrosis in adenoviral hepatitis

Hepatic necrosis in adenoviral hepatitis

Hepatic necrosis in adenoviral hepatitis

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