Frasier syndrome is a rare disorder defined by male pseudohermaphroditism and progressive glomerulopathy.
nonspecific focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
male pseudohermaphroditism with retentio testis (male sex reversal)
gonadal dysgenesis
gonadoblastoma in situ
constitutional mutations in the WT1 gene
Barbosa AS, Hadjiathanasiou CG, Theodoridis C, Papathanasiou A, Tar A, Merksz M, Gyorvari B, Sultan C, Dumas R, Jaubert F, Niaudet P, Moreira-Filho CA, Cotinot C, Fellous M. The same mutation affecting the splicing of WT1 gene is present on Frasier syndrome patients with or without Wilms' tumor. Hum Mutat. 1999;13(2):146-53. PMID: #10094551
Barbaux S, Niaudet P, Gubler MC, Grunfeld JP, Jaubert F, Kuttenn F, Fekete CN, Souleyreau-Therville N, Thibaud E, Fellous M, McElreavey K. Donor splice-site mutations in WT1 are responsible for Frasier syndrome. Nat Genet. 1997 Dec;17(4):467-70. PMID: #9398852#