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Frasier syndrome

Frasier disease


Frasier syndrome is a rare disorder defined by male pseudohermaphroditism and progressive glomerulopathy.


-  nonspecific focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
-  hypospadias
-  cryptorchidism
-  male pseudohermaphroditism with retentio testis (male sex reversal)
-  gonadal dysgenesis
-  gonadoblastoma in situ


-  constitutional mutations in the WT1 gene


-  Barbosa AS, Hadjiathanasiou CG, Theodoridis C, Papathanasiou A, Tar A, Merksz M, Gyorvari B, Sultan C, Dumas R, Jaubert F, Niaudet P, Moreira-Filho CA, Cotinot C, Fellous M. The same mutation affecting the splicing of WT1 gene is present on Frasier syndrome patients with or without Wilms' tumor. Hum Mutat. 1999;13(2):146-53. PMID: #10094551

-  Barbaux S, Niaudet P, Gubler MC, Grunfeld JP, Jaubert F, Kuttenn F, Fekete CN, Souleyreau-Therville N, Thibaud E, Fellous M, McElreavey K. Donor splice-site mutations in WT1 are responsible for Frasier syndrome. Nat Genet. 1997 Dec;17(4):467-70. PMID: #9398852#

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