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splenic hamartoma

hamartoma of the spleen, splenoma



-  refractory microcytic anemia
-  sickle cell anemia
-  hereditary spherocytosis
-  dyserythropoietic hemolytic anemia


-  one and multiple bulging nodules
-  nodules from 1.3 to 7 cm, indistinct from the surrounding nonlymphoid splenic (red pulp) parenchyma
-  red splenic pulp with variable histiocytic proliferation, focal extramedullary hematopoiesis, lympho-plasmacytosis, fibrosis, and siderotic-calcific deposits
-  intranodular small T- and B-cell lymphoid aggregates
-  no organized secondary follicles or periarteriolar sheaths

Differential diagnosis

-  benign vascular tumors


-  Abramowsky C, Alvarado C, Wyly JB, Ricketts R. "Hamartoma" of the Spleen (Splenoma) in Children. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2004 Mar 25. PMID: #15037946#

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