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amniotic sac infections



-  Saad AG, Heffelfinger S, Stanek J. Amniotic sac infection syndrome features fetal lung neuroendocrine cell hyperfunction. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2003 Nov-Dec;6(6):484-94. PMID: #15018448#

-  Redline RW, Faye-Petersen O, Heller D, Qureshi F, Savell V, Vogler C; Society for Pediatric Pathology, Perinatal Section, Amniotic Fluid Infection Nosology Committee. Amniotic infection syndrome: nosology and reproducibility of placental reaction patterns. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2003 Sep-Oct;6(5):435-48. PMID: #14708737#

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