most common congenital anomaly of the neck
2-4% of all neck masses
most commonly present in the first decade of life but also may be seen in adults.
TGDCs are caused by a persistent epithelial tract, the thyroglossal duct, during the descent of the thyroid from the foramen cecum to its final position in the anterior neck. They also may give rise to sinuses, fistulae, or cysts.
TGDCs present in 5 different varieties.
infrahyoid type accounts for 65% of TGDCs and is mostly found in the paramedian position
suprahyoid type accounts for nearly 20% and is positioned in the midline
juxtahyoid cysts make up 15% of cases
intralingual location occurs in approximately 2% of cases
suprasternal variety occurs in approximately 10% of cases.
Recurrence occurs in approximately 3-5% of the cases and is increased by incomplete excision and a history of recurrent infections.
Differential diagnosis
cervical branchial cysts
See also
thyreoglossal cyst