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solid tumors, human tumors


Classification (List in www.humpath.com)

-  epithelial tumors

-  mesenchymal tumors

-  blastemal tumors (embryonic tumors or Blastomas)
-  melanocytic tumors
-  germinal tumors
-  cerebral tumors
-  hematopietic and lymphoid tumors

Tumoral cells

-  fusiform cell tumors
-  Round cell tumors

-  clear cell tumors


-  cutaneous tumors
-  digestive tumors
-  renal tumors
-  salivary gland tumors
-  soft tissue tumors
-  osseous tumors
-  nervous tumors
-  placental tumors


-  tumoral vascularization (tumors vascularization)
-  tumoral phenotype
-  fetal tumors and neonatal tumors
-  tissular specificity of tumors
-  tumoral cells
-  tumoral stroma


-  neonatal tumors
-  Cystic tumors


-  synopsis
-  immunochemistry
-  cytogenetics
-  molecular biology


-  Albertson DG, Collins C, McCormick F, Gray JW. Chromosome aberrations in solid tumors. Nat Genet. 2003 Aug;34(4):369-76. PMID: #12923544#

-  Mitelman F, Johansson B, Mertens F. Fusion genes and rearranged genes as a linear function of chromosome aberrations in cancer. Nat Genet. 2004 Apr;36(4):331-4. PMID: #15054488#

-  Solid tumors at AGCOH (Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology)
-  CancerIndex
-  cancer-genetics.org

Intestinal lymphangioma

Ocular retinoblastoma

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