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desmoid fibromatosis

desmoid tumor, desmoid-type fibromatosis, aggressive fibromatosis, musculoaponeurotic fibromatosis, desmoma, fribrosarcoma grade I-desmoid type, deep fibromatoses


Desmoid tumors are benign neoplasms of the fibromatosis group. Desmoid tumors are fibrotic neoplasms of low metastatic potential. These tumors have long been associated with major laparotomy incisions.

Types and ocalization

-  abdominal desmoid fibromatosis

-  extra-abdominal desmoid fibromatosis

Microscopical synopsis

-  extensive microcalcifications and psammoma bodies (#3965088#)


-  Gardner syndrome (APC gene mutations)


-  muscular dystrophy associated with extra-abdominal desmoid tumor showing aberrant chromosome 1 [46,XX,add(1)(p36)] (#9508063#)
-  melorheostosis (#8316873#)


-  5q rearrangements (deletion 5q) (APC gene at 5q22) (#8976374#)

-  trisomy 8 (correlated with tumor recurrence) (30%) (#9363449#, #8976373#, #8616800#)
-  trisomy 20 (30%) (#8976373#, #8616800#, #7591262#)


-  normal (56% to 83%) (#9739022#, #14499689#)


-  5q22 (APC)
-  6q16-q21 (14%) (#14499689#)
-  5q14 (11%) (#9739022#)
-  13q21-q31 (11%) (#9739022#)


-  1q21 (39%) (#9739022#)
-  9p12 (21%) (#9739022#)
-  gain of chromosome 20 (32%) (#14499689#, #9739022#)
-  No high-level amplifications detected (#9739022#)

Molecular biology

-  monoclonality (#8816889#, #9060600#, #9098648#)
-  somatic mutations in the APC gene (#8940264#, #11768389#)
-  somatic mutations in the gene CTNNB1 coding for beta-catenin

Differential diagnosis

-  fusiform cell tumors (spindle cell tumors)


-  Brandal P, Micci F, Bjerkehagen B, Eknaes M, Larramendy M, Lothe RA, Knuutila S, Heim S. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of desmoid tumors. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2003 Oct 1;146(1):1-7. PMID: #14499689#

Desmoid fibromatosis. Macroscopy. - Intramuscular tumor of the abdominal wall.

Desmoid fibromatosis. Macroscopy. - Whitish fibrous aspect.

Desmoid fibromatosis

Desmoid fibromatosis

Desmoid fibromatosis

Desmoid fibromatosis

Subcutaneous desmoid fibromatosis

Subcutaneous desmoid fibromatosis

Subcutaneous desmoid fibromatosis

Subcutaneous desmoid fibromatosis

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