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renal cystic diseases

renal cystic disorders, multicystic kidneys


Renal cystic disease comprises a mixed group of heritable, developmental, and acquired disorders.

Because of their diverse etiology, histology, and clinical presentation, no single scheme of classification has gained acceptance.

Classification in fetus and neonate

-  I. renal dysplasia
-  II. polycystic kidney diseases (polycystic renal diseases)
-  III. renal medullary cystic diseases (renal medullary cysts)
-  IV. renal cortical cysts
-  V. renal cysts in hereditary syndromes
-  VI. neoplastic cysts
-  VII. miscellaneous renal cysts

Classification in adults


-  cortical cysts
-  medullary cysts
-  diffuse cysts


-  renal lobulation ?
-  glomerulogenesis ?
-  pyelocaliceal cavities ?
-  ureteres: thin or dilated ?
-  bladder: normal or dilated ?
-  topography of the renal cysts

See also

-  renal cysts
-  renal cystic lesions
-  renal cystic tumors

Multicystic kidney
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