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Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome

MIM.312870 Xq26

SGBS, Bulldog syndrome, X-linked dysplasia gigantism syndrome, Golabi-Rosen syndrome, Simpson dysmorphia syndrome


X-linked recessive disease.


-  systemic anomalies

-  carniofacial anomalies

-  cardiovascular anomalies

-  thoracic anomalies

-  abdominal anomalies

-  urogenital anomalies

-  skeletal anomalies

-  limb anomalies

-  cerebral anomalies

-  predisposition to tumors


-  Locus SGBS1 at Xq26 (MIM.312870): mutation in the gene for glypican-3 (GPC3) (MIM.300037)
-  Locus SGBS2 at Xp22 (MIM.300209)

See also

-  macrosomy
-  gigantism
-  overgrowth syndromes

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