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hepatoid adenocarcinoma



-  gallbladder (#14674996#)
-  stomach (#14560160#, #12845645#)
-  ovary (#12819394#, #12421179#)
-  in Barrett's esophagus (#11940219#)
-  endometrium (#11606109#)
-  lung (#10931226#)
-  colon (#10813132#)
-  pancreas (#10738216#)
-  urinary bladder (#10431850#)


-  alpha-fetoprotein+ (AFP+)

Differential diagnosis

-  hepatocellular carcinoma
-  hepatoid variants


-  malignant mixed Mullerian tumor of the uterus (#14599882#)


-  Terracciano LM, Glatz K, Mhawech P, Vasei M, Lehmann FS, Vecchione R, Tornillo L. Hepatoid adenocarcinoma with liver metastasis mimicking hepatocellular carcinoma: an immunohistochemical and molecular study of eight cases. Am J Surg Pathol. 2003 Oct;27(10):1302-12. PMID: #14508391#

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