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Mesothelin is a differentiation antigen that was first described as the antigenic target of the monoclonal antibody K1.

Expression in normal cells

-  normal mesothelial cells

Expression in tumors

-  mesotheliomas

-  nonmucinous ovarian carcinomas
-  lung adenocarcinoma (40%)

-  nonmucinous carcinomas of the ovary

-  adenocarcinomas of the pancreas (12 of 14)
-  adenocarcinomas of the ampulla of Vater (3 of 3)
-  adenocarcinomas of the endometrium (7 of 11)
-  adenocarcinomas of the lung (14 of 34)
-  cholangiocarcinoma


-  Ordonez NG. Application of mesothelin immunostaining in tumor diagnosis. Am J Surg Pathol. 2003 Nov;27(11):1418-28. PMID: #14576474#

-  Frierson HF Jr, Moskaluk CA, Powell SM, Zhang H, Cerilli LA, Stoler MH, Cathro H, Hampton GM. Large-scale molecular and tissue microarray analysis of mesothelin expression in common human carcinomas. Hum Pathol. 2003 Jun;34(6):605-9. PMID: #12827615#

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