Cdx2 is a transcriptional regulator important in the early differentiation and maintenance of intestinal epithelium.
ETV6-CDX2 fusion gene by t(12;13)(p12;q12-14) in
- chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in transformation
- myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
- acute myeloid leukemia (#9920852#)
- acute non lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL)
- B-acute lymphocytic leukemias (B-ALL)
- T-acute lymphocytic leukemias (T-ALL)
Guo RJ, Suh ER, Lynch JP. The role of cdx proteins in intestinal development and cancer. Cancer Biol Ther. 2004 Jul;3(7):593-601. PMID: #15136761#
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