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gastrointestinal stromal tumor

digestive GIST



-  sporadic GISTs

-  NF-associated GISTs


-  neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) (#16096406#)
-  Carney triad (#15712189#)

Differential diagnosis (#11215292#)

-  digestive sarcomas


-  local recurrence
-  metastasis


-  ploidy anomalies

-  loss of chromosome 14
-  loss of 22q: 22q13, (#15580284#)
-  loss of both chromosomes 14 and 22
-  loss of 9p21 (54%) (p16INK4a and p14ARF gene loss) (#15929122#)
-  loss of 1p
-  loss of 15
-  loss of 3p
-  loss of 13q
-  loss of 10q
-  loss of 19

CGH (#14730211#, #9406576#)

losses 10q 13q 15q 18q 22q
gains 5p 12q 17q 20q

Molecular biology

-  KIT or PDGFRA mutations (90%)

-  KIT overexpression (95%)
-  rare KIT amplification (#15869870#)

-  allelic losses (loss of heterozygosity)

-  gene overpexpression and amplification (#15864317#)

Gatsric GIST

Gastric GIST - Tunoral nodules under the gastric mucosa

Colonic GIST

Colonic GIST

Colonic GIST

High grade GIST

High grade GIST

High grade GIST

High grade GIST

High grade GIST

High grade GIST

Smooth muscle actin negativity in high grade GIST

CD117 (KIT) positivity in high grade GIST

Invasion of pericolic fact in high grade GIST

High grade GIST

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