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histiocytic sarcoma

malignant histiocytosis



-  pleomorphic histiocytic cells: medium cells, large cells and the giant cells expressing CD68, lysozyme and S100 protein.
-  erythrophagocytosis (erythrophagocytic histiocytosis)
-  lymphocytophagocytosis


-  localized forms (localized histiocytic sarcoma)

-  systemic forms (systemic histiocytic sarcoma)


-  CD11+
-  CD13+
-  HLA-DR+
-  CD33+
-  lysozyme+
-  S-100+


-  histiocytic sarcoma following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for T-ALL (#14513060#)


-  Audouin J, Vercelli-Retta J, Le Tourneau A, Adida C, Camilleri-Broet S, Molina T, Diebold J. Primary histiocytic sarcoma of the spleen associated with erythrophagocytic histiocytosis. Pathol Res Pract. 2003;199(2):107-12. PMID: #12747473#

-  Boisseau-Garsaud AM, Vergier B, Beylot-Barry M, Nastasel-Menini F, Dubus P, de Mascarel A, Eghbali H, Beylot C. Histiocytic sarcoma that mimics benign histiocytosis. J Cutan Pathol. 1996 Jun;23(3):275-82. PMID: #8793665#

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