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G-protein diseases

G protein diseases


Pathology (G protein diseases)

A. Defective signal termination - signal excessive

-  cholera
-  adenoma of the pituitary (G-s-alpha)
-  adenoma of the thyroid (G-s-alpha)
-  adenoma of the adrenals (G-i2-alpha)
-  adenoma of the ovary (G-i2-alpha)
-  McCune-Albright syndrome (G-s-alpha)

B. Absent or inactive G-alpha - signal deficient

-  pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (G-s-alpha)
-  pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib (G-s-alpha)
-  night blindness (G-t-alpha)

C. Abnormal signal initiation - inadequate or excessive signal

-  pertussis (G-i-alpha)
-  pseudo hypoparathyroidism type Ia (G-s-alpha)
-  testotoxicosis with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (G-s-alpha)
-  essential hypertension (beta3)


-  Farfel Z, Bourne HR, Iiri T. The expanding spectrum of G protein diseases. N Engl J Med. 1999 Apr 1;340(13):1012-20. PMID: #10099144#

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