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vascular tumors

vasoformative tumors



-  vascular malformations
-  benign vascular tumors

-  hemangioendotheliomas

-  lymphatic anomalies

-  malignant vascular tumors

-  hemangiopericytic tumors

-  glomus tumors

According to the localization

-  bone vascular tumors (osseous vascular tumors)
-  cutaneous vascular tumors
-  hepatic vascular tumors
-  muscular vascular tumors
-  soft tissue vascular tumors

Vascular tumors with lobular architecture

-  lobular capillary hemangioma
-  pyogenic granuloma
-  infantile hemangioma
-  some congenital hemangiomas (RICH and NICH)

See also

-  cutaneous tumors
-  vascular malformations


-  Vikkula M, Boon LM, Mulliken JB, Olsen BR. Molecular basis of vascular anomalies. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 1998 Oct;8(7):281-92. PMID: #14987552#

Epithelioid hemangioma

Epithelioid hemangioma

Placental chorangioma

Placental chorangioma

Placental chorangioma

Placental chorangioma

Placental chorangioma

Intestinal lymphangioma

Intestinal lymphangioma

Lingual lymphangioma

Lingual lymphangioma

Lingual lymphangioma

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