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Pathology of telomerases (Telomerase disease)

-  cancer

-  X-linked, autosomal dominant forms of congenital dyskeratosis

recessive forms : no genes known (2003)


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-  Blasco MA. Telomerase beyond telomeres. Nat Rev Cancer. 2002 Aug ;2(8):627-33. PMID : #12154355#

-  Shay JW, Zou Y, Hiyama E, Wright WE. Telomerase and cancer. Hum Mol Genet. 2001 Apr;10(7):677-85. PMID: #11257099#

-  Ostler EL, Wallis CV, Aboalchamat B, Faragher RG. Telomerase and the cellular lifespan: implications of the aging process. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2000;13 Suppl 6:1467-76. PMID: #11202223#

-  Greider CW. Telomerase activation. One step on the road to cancer? Trends Genet. 1999 Mar;15(3):109-12. PMID: #10203808#

-  Kipling D. Mammalian telomerase: catalytic subunit and knockout mice. Hum Mol Genet. 1997 Nov;6(12):1999-2004. PMID: #9328462#

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