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premature aging diseases

premature ageing disorders, premature aging, premature aging syndromes, premature aging disorders



-  Werner syndrome (MIM.277700)
-  Bloom syndrome (MIM.210900)
-  RECQL4 (MIM.603781) : mutations in the Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (MIM.268400)
-  RECQL5 (MIM.603781)
-  Progeria (mutations in lamin A/C)


-  Chang S. Modeling premature aging syndromes with the telomerase knockout mouse. Curr Mol Med. 2005 Mar;5(2):153-8. PMID: #15974868#

-  Novelli G, D'Apice MR. The strange case of the "lumper" lamin A/C gene and human premature ageing. Trends Mol Med. 2003 Sep;9(9):370-5. PMID: #13129702#

-  Bohr VA: Human premature aging syndromes and genomic instability. Mech Ageing Dev 123:987, 2002.

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