
Home page > D. Systemic pathology > Hematologic disorders > Bone marrow > bone marrow lesions

bone marrow lesions


- bone marrow necrosis
- bone marrow cellular infiltration

  • blastic infiltration of bone marrow (leukemias)
  • histiocytic infiltration of bone marrow
    • bone marrow localizatiuon of histiocytoses
    • lysosomal storage disorders
    • hemophagocytic syndromes
    • tuberculoid granulomas
    • monocytic proliferations and histiocytic proliferations

- bone marrow failure

- oedema
- haemorrhage
- necrosis
- suppuration
- granulomas
- lymphoid nodules and hyperplasia
- immunoblastic or plasmacytic hyperplasia


- Diebold J, Molina T, Camilleri-Broet S, Le Tourneau A, Audouin J. Bone marrow manifestations of infections and systemic diseases observed in bone marrow trephine biopsy review. Histopathology. 2000 Sep;37(3):199-211. PMID: #10971695#

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