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juvenile xanthogranuloma


JXG is a proliferative disorder of dendrocytes, possibly dermal dendrocytes. Juvenile xanthogranulomas is a histiocytic disorder, primarily but not exclusively seen throughout the first two decades of life and principally as a solitary cutaneous lesion.

Presentation (#12717244#)

-  solitary cutaneous lesion (67%)
-  solitary subcutaneous or deep soft tissue mass (16%)
-  multiple cutaneous lesions (7%)
-  solitary extracutaneous, nonsoft tissue lesion (5%)
-  multiple cutaneous and visceral-systemic lesions (5%)


-  cutis and subcutis
-  mouth, oral cavity (#12324792#)
-  peripheral nerve (#11257628#)
-  heart (#11178674#)
-  eyes (#6819503#): choroid (#12107521#), iris (#9514494#), orbit (#2123087#)
-  central nervous system (#3082946#), brain (#9485160#)
-  liver (#12717244#)
-  spleen
-  lung
-  oropharynx
-  muscle


-  solitary juvenile xanthogranuloma
-  multiple juvenile xanthogranuloma
-  systemic juvenile xanthogranuloma (#8765620#)
-  nonlipidized juvenile xanthogranuloma (#9144693#)
-  mitotically active juvenile xanthogranuloma (#12296763#)

Juvenile xanthogranuloma group histiocytic disorders (dermal dendrocyte)

-  progressive nodular histiocytosis
-  xanthoma disseminatum
-  benign cephalic histiocytosis
-  spindle cell xanthogranuloma
-  generalized eruptive histiocytosis

Microscopical synopsis

-  Touton giant cell (consistent in cutaneous lesions; absent or present in reduced numbers in extracutaneous lesions)
-  spindle cells intermingled among the mononuclear cells or forming short fascicles


-  vimentin+
-  CD68+
-  factor XIIIa+
-  fascin+
-  alpha-1-antitrypsine
-  S-100-
-  CD1a-


-  neurofibromatoses


-  neurilemmomatosis (multiple neurilemmomas) (#9810909#)

Clonality: no data Cytogentics: no data Molecular biology: no data


-  Janssen D, Harms D. Juvenile xanthogranuloma in childhood and adolescence: a clinicopathologic study of 129 patients from the kiel pediatric tumor registry. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 Jan;29(1):21-8. PMID: #15613853#

-  Dehner LP. Juvenile xanthogranulomas in the first two decades of life: a clinicopathologic study of 174 cases with cutaneous and extracutaneous manifestations. Am J Surg Pathol. 2003 May;27(5):579-93. PMID: #12717244#

-  Hu WK, Gilliam AC, Wiersma SR, Dahms BB. Fatal congenital systemic juvenile xanthogranuloma with liver failure. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2004 Jan-Feb;7(1):71-6. PMID: #15255037#

Juvenile xanthogranuloma

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